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Your Customers

"Inspiration" is the magic word if you want to sell more. But nowadays your customers demand much much more than just colourful catalogue pictures or commercial videos which no customer will ever believe. They want to experience your products by playing around with them and by creating own ideas.


2 modules

INZPYRE consists of a PLANNER and a ZTYLER module. PLANNER is used in order to plan a certain product setting for example an entire terrasse, kitchen, living room etc. in a fast fun to use way.

ZTYLER however is used mainly to play around with styling ideas by avoiding any annoying detail information. So you simply take a picture with your smartphone and in a few seconds you will turn yourself into a creative interior designer.



With ZTAGE you can present a single product in a fascinating new way. But if you want to combine different products with each other and if you want to show more than 1 product in any kind of environment you like, then you will need INZYPRE.



Your customers love to play interactively and be creative. By using real products they create at the same time a strong emotional wish to make these ideas come true because they have created them on their own. No catalogue and no advertising in the world can ever create such an important feeling.


Your Products Directly
In Your Customers Homes

INZPYRE is a brandnew approach which is fully browzerbased and which enables your customers not only to move around a few 3D objects like in millions of already existing apps. Forget about all this trash which nobody really uses. Finally here is a revolutionary and highly effective AR mechanism which will be a real game changer for the entire interior industry including manufacturers and vendors.

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